THurston Family Project
The Thurston Family Project was a joint project between Wellbeing Challenge CIC and South Tyneside Council. It was funded through the Youth Endowment Foundation from January 2020 to June 2022.
Four groups of up to 12 families followed a year long programme which was closely based on the Family Wellbeing Challenge programme but included additional sessions for young people led by South Tyneside Youth Service.
This was a big commitment from families and young people but it was a great opportunity for all the family to gain new skills and experiences and to have fun together.
Young people aged 10-14 from South Tyneside and their families were eligible to be considered for a place if the young person was not engaging well in school, struggling with relationships with peers or adults or where family circumstances have led to difficulties. We also considered young people who were demonstrating poor life choices such as anti-social behaviour either in the community, at home or at school.
Eligible families were invited to apply for a place by schools or other agencies.
The Thurston Family Project was an early intervention project and our overall aim was to give young people and their families the skills, knowledge and experience to make and sustain positive changes in their lives.
If you would like to know more about the project, please use the email or contact form below.
Four groups of up to 12 families followed a year long programme which was closely based on the Family Wellbeing Challenge programme but included additional sessions for young people led by South Tyneside Youth Service.
This was a big commitment from families and young people but it was a great opportunity for all the family to gain new skills and experiences and to have fun together.
Young people aged 10-14 from South Tyneside and their families were eligible to be considered for a place if the young person was not engaging well in school, struggling with relationships with peers or adults or where family circumstances have led to difficulties. We also considered young people who were demonstrating poor life choices such as anti-social behaviour either in the community, at home or at school.
Eligible families were invited to apply for a place by schools or other agencies.
The Thurston Family Project was an early intervention project and our overall aim was to give young people and their families the skills, knowledge and experience to make and sustain positive changes in their lives.
If you would like to know more about the project, please use the email or contact form below.