Session five: flexible and accurate thinking
We all come up against things in life that we find difficult to deal with. Resilience is our ability to deal with difficulties without them getting us down. Some people describe this as our ability to bounce back.
The first step towards resilience is to be able to recognise that the way we think about a difficult situation can affect the way we feel and respond. The next steps are to check whether our thoughts are accurate and whether we need to be flexible and try to think differently about the situation. |
thinking traps
We probably all know people who blame anyone but themselves when things go wrong and we probably also know people who tend to blame themselves. 'Thinking Traps' ways of thinking that are not likely to be true and these are just two examples. Others include mind-reading and thinking things will never change.
Once we learn to spot thinking traps we can try and avoid falling into them!
Once we learn to spot thinking traps we can try and avoid falling into them!